- November 30, 2020
- injuredsenior
- Senior Injuries
Did you know that 34 million Americans provided unpaid care to adults fifty and older last year? You may have provided caregiving services without even realizing it. Most adults will typically care for their parent or parent-in-law, spouse, grandparent, adult child, friend, or neighbor. Typically, a caregiver will live with the recipient. Many unpaid caregivers wish they could afford a professional caregiver or put their loved ones in a nursing home. However, there are actually loads of benefits for someone to be with a caregiver rather than in an assisted living home.
The Number Of Caregivers Are Increasing
In recent years, caregiving is starting to take the place of the assisted living home. Because of technology and medicine, people can live longer and stay healthier longer. The assisted living facilities don’t have people coming in during the early stages of their disease. Technology and medicine can keep people healthier; so, a facility’s need at the beginning stages of a disease is no longer necessary. People can age at home until they stop remembering things, or they can no longer feed themselves. The facilities are not needed sooner rather than later because family members can step in to take care of their loved ones; this is a caregiver. Most caregivers do not have any type of training besides possibly caring for their siblings at a young age.
Caregiving Is Superior To Nursing Homes
Caregiving is superior to a nursing home because the patient will get one-on-one direct contact with the caregiver. The patient’s lifespan will be extended anywhere from three to five years. Plus, their quality of life will be superior to someone living in a nursing home. In a facility, patients only have contact with an employee when they pull the trash and give them a bath. It’s not enough attention to sustain their life. Caregivers can give them a better quality of life and an extended life span. When someone is home with the family, they already know everything about that person. For instance, a caregiver will know what they like and don’t like to eat.
How Caregivers Battle Loneliness
When a person receives care from a caregiver rather than in a facility, they feel less lonely. Loneliness can result in a person suffering from depression, higher stress, decreased memory, and brain changes. However, a caregiver will give that person social interactions and positive thoughts; thus, battling those feelings of loneliness. Another way to help your family member battle loneliness is by getting them involved in the community. A caregiver can bring their family member to church gatherings, game nights, and salons. Plus, a caregiver and the person receiving care can attend family events, so they get even more social interaction. When someone can get extra social interaction, they’ll have reduced risk for mental health issues, reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease, and reduced cardiovascular problems. These interactions are something that doesn’t necessarily take place in an assisted living home.
Increasing Health Through Caregiving
There is a fifteen to one ratio in a facility; employees can’t spend time with all their patients. When a patient is at home, they will be able to do so many more things throughout the day. For instance, the caregiver can take them to the grocery store, to the movies, and out to get pampered. There’s a lot more that people can do at home versus the nursing home. The home healthcare industry is booming because people can give one-on-one attention that nursing homes cannot provide. Caregivers say that the people that receive their care have increased physical and mental health benefits. Not only do the people receiving care get benefits, but the caregivers also do.
Caregivers Also Receive Benefits
Caregivers say that their role gives them a sense of purpose and meaning. With this sense, a purpose comes a feeling of positivity and can even lower stress and strain. Plus, caregiving comes with peace of mind. If your loved one was in an assisted living home, you would be unsure whether they are receiving adequate care. When you are personally taking care of your loved one, there is peace of mind that they are happy and healthy. The quality time that you can spend with this person is invaluable. Everyday moments will make up a good life for both you and your loved one. Overall, caregiving is becoming more relevant than ever. Plus, caregiving has benefits for both the caregiver and the person receiving care. For more information, be sure to follow National Injured Senior Law Center on Facebook.